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Author Guidelines



Articles must be submitted to the Editor in Word format, typed in Times New Roman font size 12, single spaced. Italics should be used for foreign language words or expressions, including ancient languages. However, foreign language words or expressions, if used in everyday language, should be in italics [e.g. film, leader].

A UNICODE font should be used for ancient Greek.

Dashes between an incidental expression should be preceded and followed by a space [before - after]; joining dashes are without space [north-east].

In the text, the footnote exponent precedes the punctuation mark.

euphonious d:
- is used only between two identical vowels: ed ecco; ad Ancona
- or between four vowels in a row: acciaio e avorio.
- there are only two exceptions: ad esempio and ad ogni modo.

Paragraph headings are preceded by a progressive Arabic numeral. They are typed in body 12 and end without a full stop.


Quotations should be placed in inverted commas as: 'these'. If other quotations appear within them, they should be placed within open (not straight) typographic inverted commas "such as 'these'" and so on, as in "this "'last' example" given here".
Open typographic inverted commas are also used to emphasise categories or concepts taken out of context, words used in a translated sense or "as it were". Where the cross-reference note implying the explicit quotation appears, however, serif inverted commas are used.
Initial capital letters, colons and serifs are used if a complete sentence is quoted. Example: The President of the Republic said: 'All citizens must respect the law'.
Inverted commas are not used between the dashes when speech is broken. Example: 'All citizens - said the President of the Republic - must respect the law'.
Quotations longer than two lines must be inserted in dimension 10 and with the left and right margins indented by 0.5, separated from the text by a space and without opening and closing inverted commas.
Any omissis in the citation must be indicated with square brackets: [...], and never with round brackets (...) or suspension dots: ...
Any explanatory additions by the author, editor or translator shall be in square brackets and in italics

Footnotes should be typed in the same font as the text but in size 10 and single spacing.
In the citation of works the author should be in C[APITAL LETTERS] and a space should be used between the initial of the first name and the surname: R. De Felice and not R. De Felice; no space between double first name initials: J.M. Keynes and not J. M. Keynes. The title of the work should be in italics.

The publishing house should not normally be indicated, but it is allowed if it is usual in the scientific area. Instead, the city of publication and the year should always be indicated (a comma should never be inserted between the city and the year of publication).
The number of the page(s) cited should be indicated after the comma (without the p. or pp. sign). The hundreds and tens in page citations should be indicated in full. Example: 25-27 (no 25-7), 350-351 (no: 350-51).

E. GENTILE, Le origini dell'ideologia fascista (1918-1925), Roma-Bari 1975, 10-15
E. GENTILE, Le origini dell'ideologia fascista (1918-1925), Laterza, Roma-Bari 1975, 10-15

In cases where the work cited has had more than one edition, it is necessary to specify to which of these editions reference is made, indicating in superscript, next to the title of the work, the number of the edition.
M. MARRONE, Institutions of Roman Law³, ...

The names of the journals (or their acronyms) must appear in the round, indicating volume, issue, year in round brackets and without a space or comma between issue number and brackets, and number of beginning and end pages.
E. PACE, Per una sociologia dell'Islam, in Humanitas 6 (2001) 846-857
A. GRILLMEIER, Mark the Hermit and Origenism, in Christianity in History 1.1 (1980) 9-57.

For the citation of chapter: chap. and chap.; of volume: vol. and vol.; of number: n. and nn.

Abbreviations are in capital letters.
except those which, if loose, would be lower case
gdp = gross domestic product; pm = public prosecutor.

If a book is cited in a foreign language, with a foreign title, publishing house and city, the name of the city is never translated. Any translation of the work into Italian is cited after the semicolon:
N. COGNOME, Foreign title, publishing house, city year; transl. it. N. Cognome, Italian title, publishing house, city year.
K.R. POPPER, Objective Knowledge. An Evolutionary Approach, Oxford 1972; transl. it. A. Rossi, Objective Knowledge. An evolutionary point of view, Rome 1975.

If the work has several authors: N. SURNAME, N. SURNAME, Title, city year, numbers of pages cited.
P. ARLACCHI, N. DALLA CHIESA, La palude e la città. Si può sconfiggere la mafia, Milan 1997, 10-25.

Curatorships can take four distinct forms:
a. In the case where only the curator appears:

A. COSTABILE (ed.), La relazione educativa: prospettive interdisciplinari, Soveria Mannelli 2008.

b. Where author and editor are different: E.H. CARR, Utopia e realtà, edited by Alessandro Campi, Soveria Mannelli 2009.

c. Similar is the citation system if author and editor coincide:
N. COGNOME, Title of the essay, in ID. [or ID. (ed.)], Title of volume, city year, beginning and end pages.
S. ZAMAGNI, Organised crime and dilemmas of mutual distrust: on the persistence of mafia equilibrium, in ID. (ed.), Mercati illegali e mafie. The Economy of Organised Crime, Bologna 1993, 27-39.

d. In the case of an essay in a collected volume or a contribution in a publication collecting the proceedings of a conference or similar:
N. COGNOME, Title of the essay, in N. COGNOME (ed.), Title of volume, city year, number of pages cited.
E. GENTILE, Il fascismo e la via italiana al totalitarismo, in V. BALOCCHI, B. CORBELLINO, G. ANDREOTTI (eds.), Sudditi e cittadini, Manduria 1997, 100-120.

If citing the same author and the same work, but a different page: Ibid, p. 12. If exactly the same page is cited [or pages are not cited] Ibid [which should never be abbreviated].
If a book already cited in another non-contiguous note is cited, only the author's surname is repeated followed by the abbreviation of the title of the work followed (without a comma) by cit.
S. ZAMAGNI, Organised Crime cit., 30 ff.

For comparison use cf.
For translation: tr. (and not transl.)
For see: v. (and not vd.)
For following: f. and ff.

The use of parentheses
Within round brackets ( ) use only square brackets [ ].
(Cf. Humanitas 1 [2004], the essay...).


Articles must be submitted with abstract in Italian and English (or only English if the article is written in English) and with 3 to 5 keywords separated by commas, in Italian and English.


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