Emissioni di gas serra, brevetti ambientali ed effetti di spillover nelle province italiane

Parole chiave

green patents
knowledge spillovers

Come citare

Caratù, F., Mazzanti, M., & Nicolli, F. (2017). Emissioni di gas serra, brevetti ambientali ed effetti di spillover nelle province italiane. Argomenti, (5), 57–76. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.560


This study analyzes the geographical distribution of CO2 emissions and knowledge spillovers in relation to spatial concentration of green patents, using a balanced panel of 475 observations in 95 Italian provinces from 1990 to 2010. We found a brown area in Northern provinces, in which CO2 emissions are higher compared to other areas, while the lowest emissions are found in Central Italy. Analyzing the geographical distribution of patent stock, we observe a higher level of green patents in the North. We also find a positive and robust correlation between spillovers and green patent stock that we interpret as evidence that environmental innovation activities in Italian provinces are influenced by green patents from neighboring provinces. The higher correlation coefficient in the North-East adds original empirical evidence regarding the spatial concentration of green patents. We also found evidence of negative correlation between CO2 emissions and emission intensity (CO2/VA) and knowledge spillovers. We use this result to assert that knowledge spillovers influence a province’s environmental innovation and, with it, its environmental performances.  


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