With Members and For Members? A Theoretical Analysis of Mutuality in Co-operatives, its Evolution and Re-Formulation through Italian Community Co-ops.

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Come citare

Bianchi, M. (2019). With Members and For Members? A Theoretical Analysis of Mutuality in Co-operatives, its Evolution and Re-Formulation through Italian Community Co-ops. Argomenti, (12), 85–103. https://doi.org/10.14276/1971-8357.1798


Since the 19th century, co-operatives have operated for their members’ wealth promoting economic activities in different fields. The key characteristic of these firms is the mutuality, which allows members to have a direct benefit working co-operatively for the organization (Zamagni, 2005). Recent economic crisis has encouraged people to demand a new sustainable economy, co-ops can respond because they serve communities’ needs and interests (Vieta & Lionas, 2015); community co-ops are the result of this process. This paper wants to analyse how community co-ops are modifying the co-op structure in order to respond to new social issues. Is the community co-op re-shaping the idea of mutuality? In what way? Community co-operatives are renewing the co-operation model surpassing the classic mutualistic structure, which only provides the co-ops’ members with benefits, and pays their attention to outcomes for the entire community.


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