Business models and heuristics: how do they work together?
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business models

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Pellegrino, R., Cinici, M. C., & Baglieri, D. (2018). Business models and heuristics: how do they work together?. Piccola Impresa Small Business, (1).
Received 2017-09-23
Accepted 2018-05-25
Published 2018-09-20


Building on cognitive theories and business model literature, the object of this paper is to analyze to what extent entrepreneurs rely on heuristics to develop startups and innovation business models. While recent research has referred to a cognitive view on business modeling, it is still unclear how the cognitive foundations of such modeling happens. Despite the constraining effects that management and entrepreneurship literature has attributed to these cognitive tools, we argue that in making sense of uncertainty, “fast and frugal” heuristics provides entrepreneurs with robust strategies to connect the dots that give rise to startups and their business models. The paper makes two main contributions. First, we introduce the heuristic of similarity into the business modeling literature. Second, through the results of a qualitative survey, we conceptualize and theorize on the cognitive activity of business modeling, presenting it as an iterative process of configuring heuristics.
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