The emergence of an entrepreneurial society in the Western countries presupposes the diffusion of a larger number of start-ups, due to their role in the industrial renewal of the economic system. To this aim, a relevant role could be entrusted to the start-up competitions (SUCs). In the last few years SUCs are exploiting a wide diffusion around the world. Nevertheless, there is a gap in literature about their impact on the entrepreneurial choice and a comprehensive monitoring of how they actually work. In this view, the paper displays a cross-section analysis of Italian SUCs to individuate their main features and potential influences on the environment. The survey shows that their diffusion is accompanied from deep change processes due to first of all at the stronger interest of private organizers in promoting SUCs. Coherently, SUCs are becoming more and more internationalized and specialized. The risk is to transform them in an instrument subservient only to the industrial logic.
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