Il trattamento dei dati genetici: finalità di ricerca, esigenze di sicurezza e diritto alla protezione dei dati personali


[Genetic data: scientific research purposes, security demands and the right to Data Protection] Given that genetic data belong to category of the “sensitive data”, this essay is focused on two constitutional issues, looking at the main national and European sources of law and the decisions of Italian Data Protection Authority.  

The Author, first, explores limits that the Data Protection Law imposes on the scientific research and healthcare purposes, especially referring to the Italian DPA General Authorizations. Secondly, she examines the difficult relation between Data Protection Law and public security purposes, focusing on the new National Genetic Database. The Author’s aim is to give some suggestions to single out guidelines for balancing individual liberties and public policy demands. Finally, she analyses the last initiatives to be adopted to complete the normative frame of the National Genetic Database.

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